Adsense Tip's and Trick's

here a lot of tips and trick that i use to manage my adsense blog. you can find more tips how to get more traffics for your blog and begin your adsense empire.

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How to Make More Money with Google AdSense
Sunday, November 23, 2008

Like any Google AdSense Publisher, you will want to increase your Google AdSense revenue. Your AdSense revenue depends on 3 factors:

(1) the number of visitors to your site,

(2) the number of visitor that clicks on the ads (Click Through Rate, or CTR),

(3) how well the ads pay (Cost Per Click, CPC). Get anyone of these factor to go up and you will earn more money from AdSense!

Google AdSense Revenue = Traffic x CTR x CPC Fortunately you can control all of these variables.

Increase the your web site traffic

There are many techniques to increase your web site traffic, you can consult The Basics of Web Site Promotion for more idea. However, I will list a few techniques here:

Improve your search engine ranking. You can read The Importance of Top Search engine Ranking to get an idea why. Basically, you get more traffic as your site get closer to the top (of any list including search engine result page)

  • Add your site to directories. They are great way to build link popularity, as well as, get your site indexed in search engines.
  • Add your site to search engines (not needed if you already did above)
  • Advertise your site through other means
  • Etc.

Increase the Click Through Ratebr>There are many techniques, I will list a few here:

  • Make sure the ad is relevant. Although Google does most of this (Google AdSense will show ad according to the keywords on your page), you still have to optimize keywords and keyphrases on the your pages.
  • Make sure the ad is visible (many people develop ad/banner blindess), so pay attention to your Google AdSense ad: o placement - location of the ad on the page, i.e., top, bottom, side, integrated, etc.

- layout - leaderboard, banner, tower, etc.

- color scheme - standout color scheme, versus blend in color scheme.

  • Use channel and data gathered to experiment with the above combinations to optimize the click through rate.
  • Etc.

In any case, never ever ask your visitor to click on the ads or do it yourself.

This is against Google AdSense TOS and you will get thrown out of the


Increase How Well the Ads Pay

Your option will be limited with an established sites because you have to keep

web pages relevant to the site theme, but you can create new sites to cater to

more expensive keywords. You can do this by going to Google AdWords and see

what advertiser are paying per click (you do not have to sign up to do this). For

example, these are some words and recommended bid:

· Well, you get the idea.

  • $1.56 - "webmaster"
  • $20.00 - "web hosting" WOW!!!
  • $0.62 - "forums"

· Create web pages relevant to your site, but optimized to the selected


· Avoid the use of low paying words that may confuse AdSense.

I hope this basic tutorial will give you a good foundation and allows you to

become a more successful advertisment publish, that is, to make more money

with Google AdSense.

posted by Avans @ 2:44 PM  
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